20 March 2015


This is a sample poem from my first book, "All my masks"

You see, I do not sleep so well at night
And, in frustration, walk about the bed
And mutter to myself, bewail my plight
And meditate on all the things I said
And all the things I did, and, what is worse
I keep recalling what I meant instead
As I, once more, yesterday's deeds rehearse
My thoughts keep me from sleep, delay my dreams
Till waking hours, where they, like a curse
Deceive me once again, or so it seems
Such introspection does not serve me well
I am not free from these nocturnal themes
Or from the memories I cannot quell
And so, as I remain in darkness, fret
And pace about the room, as in a cell
Await the dawn, some hours remaining yet
No peace I find, nothing to bring respite
Or set my mind at rest, lift this regret
I know I have not done that which is right
You see, I do not sleep so well at night

(c) Edward Rhodes (2011)

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